Sidi Kaouki, the most gorgeous surf village in North Africa
Sidi Kaouki is a small Berber village on the Atlantic coast, located 20 kilometers (12 miles) south of Essaouira City, on the old desert caravan route, is it one of the most peaceful and relaxing places in the region, with a large beach and few local people. Auberge Aftass offers you accommodation, Moroccan and Vietnamese gastronomy, Live music, Kitesurfing and Windsurfing lessons, Camel and Horse riding and many other surprises that will ravish your spirit.
To have an idea about the history of the place, Sidi Kaouki was a local saint from the end of the last century, famous in the region supposedly for his healing powers. The marabout which shelters his tomb, built on the rock at the edge of the ocean, became a high place of pilgrimage and locals come to his tomb to pray and ask for his grace. Behind the marabout grew little by little a village, between the infinite beach and the forest of Argan trees, junipers and mimosas.
Like Essaouira, the weather in Sidi Kaouki is convenient and stable the whole year. The temperature never exceeds 25°C (77°F) in summer and does not drop below 16°C (60°F) in winter.
The ocean, cooler than the Mediterranean, is even more refreshing and encourages you to enjoy the waves. The great amateurs of windsurfing, kitesurfing and surfing are in the village the whole year to enjoy the great waves of the Atlantic see, Horses, camels, donkeys, flamingos also have their place in this wilderness.

The Medina of Essaouira, formerly named Mogador (name originating from the Phoenician word Migdol meaning a « small fortress »), is an outstanding example of a fortified town of the mid-eighteenth century, surrounded by a wall influenced by the Vauban model. Constructed according to the principles of contemporary European military architecture, in a North African context, in perfect harmony with the precepts of Arabo-Muslim architecture and town-planning, it has played a major role over the centuries as an international trading seaport, linking Morocco and sub-Saharan Africa with Europe and the rest of the world. The town is also an example of a multicultural centre as proven by the coexistence, since its foundation, of diverse ethnic groups, such as the Amazighs, Arabs, Africans, and Europeans as well as multiconfessional (Muslim, Christian and Jewish). Indissociable from the Medina, the Mogador archipelago comprises a large number of cultural and natural sites of Outstanding Universal Value. Its relatively late foundation in comparison to other medinas of North Africa was the work of the Alaouite Sultan Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdallah (1757-1790) who wished to make this small Atlantic town a royal port and chief Moroccan commercial centre open to the outside world. Known for a long time as the Port of Timbuktu, Essaouira became one of the major Atlantic commercial centres between Africa and Europe at the end of the 18th century and during the 19th century.
The local population, the public authorities and the associative areas are increasingly aware of the Outstanding Universal Value of the Medina. The Essaouira Urban Agency was created to ensure a better control of town development in general and the medina in particular. In parallel with other ministerial departments and services, this Agency should, plan and coordinate efforts and monitor the execution and implementation of the ongoing or planned work sites. Contingent upon the establishment of a management plan for the medina that should both safeguard the architectural heritage and improve the living conditions of the local population, the authorities concerned for the protection and safeguard of the property must supervise the application of the development plan for the medina and the entire town of Essaouira.
Source: UNESCO world heritage site
Medina of Essaouira Mogador, The old fortress

The wild beach of Iftane

20 kilometers away from Sidi Kaouki, a sign indicates Iftane in the middle of a small douar. After 12 kilometers of track lies the immense sandy beach of Iftane sheltered from the wind. It is necessary to tear oneself away from the contemplation of an impressive landscape, and to go down on foot. In the creek dominated by cliffs, some abandoned fishing boats on the sand spread their bright colors. Practically alone in the world, the perfect place to spend a moment of pure relaxation.